Thursday, November 5, 2015


(Learn today for better tomorrow)

Kalaiya-5, Bara  

Course Details
1. Basic Computer Course with Internet Package.  Duration 3 Months
Course                                                                Price: 1500/–
Introduction of Computer
Windows Operating System ( Folder, Icons, Shortcut, Ms-Paint Brush, Notepad, Wordpad )
Microsoft – Word
Microsoft – Excel
Microsoft – Power Point
Internet / E – Mail  
English Typing
Nepali Typing

2. Advance Basic Computer Course with Internet Package.
      Duration   4 Months
Course                                                               Price: 3000/–
Introduction of Computer
Windows Operating System ( Folder, Icons, Shortcut, Ms-Paint Brush, Notepad, WordPad)
Microsoft – Word
Microsoft – Excel
Microsoft – Power Point
Basic Adobe Page Maker
Basic Adobe Photoshop
Basic Hardware
Internet / E-Mail and Desktop Publishing
English Typing
Nepali Typing
3. Accounting   Package                                      Duration 3 Months
Course                                                                Price: 3500/–
Exactly Gold
Tata-Ex-Next Generation.
Internet / E – Mail

4. Advance Accounting Package                        Duration 5 Months
Course                                                                Price: 5500/–
Exactly Gold
Tata-Ex-Next Generation.
Swasti Gold
Internet / E – Mail

5. Job Oriented Accounting Packages:       Duration 1 Months
Fansys                                                            Price: 1000/–

6. Graphic Designing   Package                          Duration 3 Months
Course                                                            Price: 4000/–
Adobe Page Maker
Adobe Photoshop
Corel Draw

7. Advance Hardware Course.           Duration 6 Months
Course                                                 Price: 5000/–
Fundamental of Computer
Computer Architecture
Media Devices & Peripherals
Input Device , Output Device
The Motherboard
The Processor
Memory Devices
Operating Systems
PC Assembling
Operating System Installation, Partition & Formatting
Devices, Drivers & Software Installation
E – Mail & Internet
Concept of Computer Networking

8. Video Mixing Course                                   Duration 3Months 
Course                                                 Price: 6000/–
Typesala , Photoshop, Power Point to AVI, Title Deko, Video Editor, Win DVR- Capture, Studio Pinnacle, Total Video Converter, Ulead DVD

9. Special Internet Package                              Duration 10 Days
Course                                                        Price: 1000/–
Introduction of Operating System.
Internet Browsing .
Creating E – Mail ID
Chatting Through SKYPE, FACEBOOK, VIVER, And Various MESSENGERS.
Downloading ( PC Programme,  Mobile APP, Songs, Films Etc.

10. Language Course.                                      Duration 3Months
Basic English Language Course.                 Price: 1500/–
Intermediate English Language Course.      Price: 2500/–
Advance English Language Course.            Price: 3500/–
Speacial English Grammar Package.            Price: 1500/–
Audio – Video Class.                                   Price: 1500/–

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Bara Computer Education Center
Kalaiya-5 , Bara
Website : 

' 053-550683 ( 9845557070, 9806850666, 9807251355, 9811842825
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Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Microsoft word is the most popular word processing software. It is major family member of Microsoft office group. It is developed by the Microsoft Corporation U.S.A. It enables typing, editing, formatting, designing, mail merging, creating tables and printing the documents in a attractive layout. In this program, if we type any text, these are displayed on the screen at first then stored temporarily in the computer but these are stored permanently when we save it.

*Starting the Microsoft Word 
   There are two ways to start Microsoft Word Program.
1. By the help of mouse. 
2. By the help of Keyboard. 
* How to run Microsoft word?
* How to open Ms Word?
* How to run win word?
-Click on the Start menu.
-Click on All programs or Programs.
-Click on Microsoft office or Microsoft word.
-Click on Microsoft word 2003.
-Click on Start menu.
-Click on Run option.
-It will appear a Run dialog box.

-Type 'winword' in the open criteria of a dialog box.
-Click on OK bottom.
-Press windows key/ Flag key.
-Press R to go run.
-It will appear a dialog box.
-Type 'winword' in the open criteria.
-Press Enter key.
* How to close Microsoft word?
-Click on File menu.
-Click on Exit option
-Press Alt + F4
-Press Alt + F
-Press X

Parts of the Ms Word Document windows.
a) Title bar: - The title bar is the first bar seen on the document window. The title bar contains the information about the current application in use and document name. On the extreme right of the title bar, you can see minimize, maximize and close button for current application.
b) Menu bar: - The menu bar contains the menu option. This is located below the title bar. The menu bar of Ms- word contains the options- File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window and Help. When you click any one of the menu option, you will be given detail option of the menu selected.
c) Standard tool bar :- The standard tool bar contains the option in picture form called icons such as new document , open existing file, save, print, print preview, speller, cut, copy, paste, paint brush, web tool bar, tables and barters, insert table, insert Microsoft Excel work sheet, columns, drawing, document map, show/hide codes, zoom and office assistant.
d) Format tool bar:- The format toolbar is just below the standard toolbar. This contains the tools that help on formatting the document. The format toolbar contains the tool such as font style, font name, font size, bold, italic, underline, left alignment of text, center alignment of text, right alignment of text, paragraph numbering, bullet for paragraph , decrease indent, increase indent, outside boarder, high lighter, font color.
e) Ruler:- The ruler is displayed just below the format toolbar. There are two rulers. Horizontal ruler and Vertical ruler. They represent the scale of the page.
f) Status bar:- Status bar is situated at the bottom of the document window. This gives information about the current document such as total number of pages, column section, current cursor position, line number at which the cursor is located and column position from the left.
g) Drawing tool bar:- Drawing toolbar is an optional toolbar that gives various facilities on drawing . The drawing toolbar contains the facilities such as Draw, Auto shapes, Line, Arrow, Box, Circle, Text box, Insert word art, fill color, font color, line style, Dash style, Arrow style, Shadow and 3-D.
h) Vertical scroll bar:- It is used to move the document up and down.
i) Horizontal scroll bar:- It is used to move document left and r

    Shortcut Keys

Ctr + B Bold face on/off
Ctr + U Underline on/off
Ctr + I Italic on/off
Ctr + L Left alignment
Ctr + E Centre alignment
Ctr + R Right alignment
Ctr + J Justify
Ctr + C Copy
Ctr + X Cut
Ctr + V Paste
Ctr + Z Undo
Ctr + Y Repeat
Ctr + A Select all
Ctr + W Close
Ctr + O Open
Ctr + S Save
Shift + Ctr + P Font size
Shift+ Ctr + N Font name
Shift + Ctr ++ Super script
Ctr + = Sub script
Shift + Ctr + > Enlarge font
Shift + Ctr + < Reduce font
Shift + Ctr + A All caps
Shift + Ctr + D Double underline
Ctr + Enter Page break
Shift + Ctr + Enter Column break
Alt + F4 Close window


Microsoft power point is an ideal program for making simple or supplicated slide show and professional looking electronic presentations. It is a family member of Microsoft group. It is developed by Microsoft Corporation of U.S.A. This presentation makes use of slides to communicate information visually. It also allows you to add charts, table, pictures, sound, movies etc. for making the presentation looking alive.
* How to run Ms Power point?
*How to open Microsoft Power point?
-Click on Start menu.
-Click on All programs or programs.
-Click on Microsoft office or Microsoft Power point.
-   Click on Microsoft Office Power point 2003.
-Click on Start menu.
-Click on Run option.
-It will appear a Run box.
-Type 'powerpnt' in the open criteria of run box.
-Click on Ok button or press Enter key.
-Press window flag key.
-Press R letter to go run.
-It will appear a Run box.

-Type 'powerpnt' in the open criteria of run box.
-Press Enter key.

* How to close Microsoft Power point?
-Click on file menu.
-Click on exit.
-Press Alt + F4
-Press Alt + F
-Press X.

Edit Menu (Alt+E)
*Duplicate slide:- This command is used to make duplicate  slide of the active slide.
-Select the slide which you want to make duplicate.
-Click on Edit menu.
-Click on Duplicate slide.
-Now you will see copy of that particular slide in the
      same slide.
*Delete slide:- This command is used to delete the selected slide.
-Select the slide which you want delete.
-Click on Edit menu.
-Click on Delete slide option.
-The entire slide will be deleted.

View Menu (Alt + V)
*Slide sorter:- This command is used to make group of slide or collection of slides which display at single window.
-Click on View menu.
-Click on Slide Sorter option.
*Slide show (F5):- This command is used show the presentation on slide form.
-Click on view menu.
-Click on Slide Show.
-This will show up in full screen.
* Notes Page:-This command is used to display the notes written in the presentation.
-Click on View menu.
-Click on Notes page.
-It will appear a dialog box.
-Type the notes and click on normal to come in the
      normal slide.
* Color / Grayscale:- This command is used to show the slide in color, grayscale and black & white.
-Click on View menu.
-Click on Color/ Grayscale option.
-Choose color, grayscale or pure black and white as
      your requirement.
*Grid and Guides:- This command is used to set the snap-to-grid options that you can use to easily align drawing object.
-Click on View menu.
-Click on Grid and Guide option.
-It will appear a dialog box.
-Set the Grid and Guides from the given dialog box.
-Click on Ok button.

Insert Menu (Alt+I)
* New slide (Ctrl+M) :- This command is used to create a new slide in the active presentation.
-Click on Insert menu.
-Click on New slide option.

* Duplicate slide:- This command is used to make a copy of the same slide.
-Select the slide which you want to make duplicate.
-Click on Insert menu.
-Click on Duplicate Slide.
-This will insert another slide.
* Slide Number:- This command is used to insert the slide number to an individual slide. If you want to add the slide number to every slide, use the Header and Footer command.
-Click on Insert menu.
-Click on Slide Number option.
-It will appear a dialog box.
-Tick the slide number.
-Click on Apply to All button.

*Slides from File:- This command is used to insert slides from another presentation into the current presentation.
-Click on Insert menu.
-Click on Slide from file option.
-It will appear a slide Finder dialog box.
-Click on Browse Tab.
-Choose the file name from the file name criteria.
-Click on Open button.
-Click on Insert All button.
-Click on close button.

* Date and time:- This command is used to insert date and time in the presentation.
-Click on Insert menu.
Click on Date and Time option.
-It will appear a dialog box.
-Select the date and time.
-Click on Apply or Apply to All button.
* Movies and sound:- This command is used to open the clip gallery, where you can insert a video and sound in your slide to play during a slide show.
-Click on Insert menu.
Click on Movies and Sounds option.
-Choose the movies or sounds.
-Click on ok bottom.

Format Menu (Alt +O)
* Slide Design:- This command is used to display the slide design task pane, where you can select design templates, color schemes and animation schemes to add in our active slide or all slides.
-First active your slide.
-Click on Format menu.
-Click on Slide Design option.
-It will appear a task pane at the right side
      of the  active document.
-Apply a design template from the  given Slide
      Design task pane.
* Slide layout:- This command is used to change the layout of the selected slide.
-Click on Format menu.
-Click on Slide layout option.
-It will appear a task pane at the right side
      of the  active document.
-Apply a slide layout from the Slide
      Layout dialog box.
* Background:- This command is used to set a background color, texture, pattern or image in the selected slide.
-Click on Format menu.
-Click on Background option.
-It will appear a dialog box.
-Choose the background style and click
      on ok button.

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a kind of unfold sheet bundle. It's a loved ones member of Microsoft staff. It is developed by Microsoft enterprise America. In this package, we can put together one-of-a-kind style of sheets reminiscent of mark sheet, earnings sheet, purchase guide, earnings guide, stock publication and so forth. It is also known as the accounting sheets as about account of all works are performed on this package deal. We are able to put together photos outcome sheet and different priceless data in it. 

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet utility developed by Microsoft for Microsoft home windows, Mac OS X, and ISO. It facets calculation, graphing instruments, pivot tables, and macro programming language called visual normal for purposes. It has been an extraordinarily generally applied spreadsheet for these structures, exceptionally in view that variation 5 in 1993, and it has replaced Lotus 1-2-3 as the enterprise regular for spreadsheets. Excel varieties a part of Microsoft place of business.
Graph made utilizing Microsoft Excel
Microsoft makes it possible for for a quantity of optional command-line switches to manage the way in which Excel begins. 
From its first variation Excel supported finish person programming of macros (automation of repetitive tasks) and consumer defined functions (extension of Excels built-in function library). In early types of Excel these packages were written in a macro language whose statements had method syntax and resided in the cells of exact rationale macro sheets (stored with file extension .XML in home windows.) XML was the default macro language for Excel by means of Excel 4.0. Opening with variant 5.0 Excel recorded macros in VB with the aid of default but with variant 5.0 XML recording was once nonetheless allowed as an alternative. After variant 5.0 that alternative used to be discontinued. All versions of Excel, together with Excel 2010 are capable of running an XML macro, although Microsoft discourages their use. 
* establishing the Microsoft Excel 
   There are two approaches to start Microsoft Excel software.
1. Via the aid of mouse. 
2. By way of the aid of keyboard. 
* easy methods to run Microsoft Excel?
*the way to open Ms Excel?
-click on  menu.
-click on on All programs or programs.
-click on on Microsoft place of work or Microsoft Excel.
-click on on Microsoft Excel 2003.
-click on start menu.
-click on Run alternative.
-it'll show up a Run dialog field.

-type 'Excel' in the open standards of a dialog box.
-click on on good enough bottom.
-Press home windows key/ Flag key.
-Press R to head run.
-it is going to show up a dialog field.

-sort 'Excel' within the open criteria of a dialog field.
-Press Enter  key.
* tips on how to close Microsoft phrase ?
-click on file menu.
-click on exit choice
-Press Alt + F4
-Press Alt + F
-Press X

Mathematical operators.
+ - Addition / Add
- - Subtraction / Subtract
* - Multiplication / Multiply
/ - Division / Divide
% - percent
operate key:
> - larger than
< - less than
>= - better than equal to
<= - less than equal to

Introduction of some parts:
1. Work sheet :- Work sheet is the combo of row and columns.  There are 65536 rows and 256 columns.
2. Rows :- Row is the horizontal line of the cells in worksheet named as 1,2,3……………………………
three. Columns:- Column is vertical line of the cells in worksheet named as A,B,C…………………………….
4. Cellphone :- cellphone is the rectangular block in a worksheet. It is meet factor of row and column.
5. Mobile phone range :- cell variety is rectangular block of the grouped cells. Mobile variety is donated through Colin (:) signal equivalent to A5:d5, c3:g3 ……………………………………
6. Mobile phone address:- phone address of any cellphone has its own tackle donated through column name and row quantity. Such as A3:B3

Notepad / Word Pad

Notepad is a straightforward application editor software. It's also window branch. It is also developed by way of the Microsoft organization of u.S.A.. It's used to create simple document, write a letter and also make a bio-data. It's identical as word pad.

Word Pad is a general phrase processor that's incorporated with almost all versions of Microsoft windows from home windows 95onwards. It's extra evolved than Notepad but simpler than Microsoft Works word Processor and Microsoft word. It replaced Microsoft Write.
Word Pad can structure and print textual content, including fonts, bold, italic, colored, and situated text, and so on., but lacks intermediate elements such as a spell checker, thesaurus, and the construction of tables. Nonetheless Word Pad can learn, render, and store many rich text layout (RTFM) points that it are not able to create corresponding to tables, strikeout, superscript, subscript, "extra" colors, text historical past colours, numbered lists, proper or left indent, quasi-hypertext and URL linking, and various line spacings. Amongst its advantages are low method-useful resource usage, simplicity, and speed. Pasting into or from an HTML report similar to from the web or e mail will in most cases robotic ally convert most or all of it to RTFM (although that is partly browser-stylish). As such, Word Pad is good suited to taking notes, writing letters and reviews, or for usage in more than a few capsules, PCs, and clever telephones. Nevertheless, Word Pad is underpowered for work that relies heavily on photographs or typesetting similar to most publishing-enterprise requisites for rendering final rough copy.
Word Pad naively helps RTFM, though it does not help all of the elements defined within the RTFM/word 2007 specification. Previous versions of Word Pad also supported the "word for windows 6.0" layout, which is forward suitable with the Microsoft word layout.
In home windows 95, ninety eight and windows 2000, it used Microsoft's Rich Edit manage, types 1.Zero, 2.Zero and three.Zero respectively.[1] In windows and later, it makes use of Rich Edit 4.1, together with home windows 7. 
Word Pad for windows  introduced full Unicode support, enabling Word Pad to support multiple languages, but UT-sixteen/united states of america2 massive Indian will not be supported. It will possibly open Microsoft phrase (versions 6.0-2003) documents, even though it opens more recent types of the .DOC layout with wrong formatting. Additionally, unlike previous Word Pad models, it are not able to retailer records in the .Doc layout (best .Text or .RTFM).Windows  service p.C. 2 onwards decreased help for opening  files for protection purposes.
Home windows  tablet computer edition SP2 and home windows Vista comprise speech realization, and for that reason dictation into Word Pad is feasible. In these and later home windows versions, the Rich Edit control was once brought and as a result, Word Pad now helps extensible 0.33-celebration offerings (such as grammar and spell assess) built utilising the text services Framework (SF). 
In windows Vista, aid for studying Microsoft word DOC records used to be removed given that of the wrong rendering and formatting issues, as good as a Microsoft security bulletin that mentioned a safety vulnerability in opening phrase files in Word Pad. For viewing older (ninety seven-2003) as good as more recent (workplace Open XML) records, Microsoft recommends word Viewer, which is on hand at no cost. Native place of job Open XML and ODD support used to be launched in the windows 7 variation of Word Pad. 
Microsoft has updated the user interface for Word Pad in windows 7, giving it an administrative center 2010-variety ribbon that replaces the appliance menu and toolbars. Different bundled windows purposes comparable to Paint have had an identical interface makeovers.[8]
Word Pad used to be offered in home windows 95, exchanging Microsoft Write, which got here with all previous types of home windows (version three.11 and previous). The supply code to Word Pad was also disbursed by Microsoft as a Microsoft foundation classes pattern utility with NFC three.2 and later, quickly before the discharge of home windows ninety five. It is still on hand for down load from the MASON website online.
The default font used in home windows ninety five to home windows Vista used to be Aerial 10, in home windows 7 it was transformed to Calibre 11.
A an identical phrase processor referred to as Word Pad is provided by using some carriers on a home windows CE Prue-installation. It has simple functionality like its laptop OS cousin. The icon resembles an early Microsoft word icon.

* how one can open Notepad or Word Pad?
find out how to run Notepad or Word Pad?
Left click on on start menu.
Left click on All packages or applications.
Left click on add-on alternative.
Left click on 'Notepad' option.
Left click on on start menu.
Left click on on Run choice.
it'll appear a dialog field.

variety 'Notepad' or 'phrase pad' within the open standards.
Left click on on OK button
Press Window key/Flag key.
Press R to go run.
it is going to show up a dialog field.
sort 'Notepad' or 'WordPad' within the open standards.
Press Enter key.
* the way to shut the Notepad or phrase pad?
click on File menu.
click on Exit.
Press Alt + F4
Press Alt + F
Press X. 

application software

            The application used for certain purpose [special task] written targeted language is understand as application software  clearly there are two forms of application program 
A]bundle software
B]tailor-made custom   application
A]package software=
The program is the set of Prue written packages by way of an extra person or group and made to be had to PC person .MS word,  MS axial , MS entry ,adobe software ,auto card  are the e g of package deal  application
tailored or custom program 
The tailored software are the used to participate in the exact challenge only like accounting ,super market billing ,mark sheet education  and many others . They are developed on demand of the customers Mac ,BIOS 2004 Media-professional ,tally etc are the e g of tailored software 
 An utility application (or utility for brief) is a computer software designed to perform a group of coordinated services, tasks, or hobbies for the advantage of the person. Examples of an utility include award processor, a spreadsheet, an accounting software, a media player, an aeronautical flight simulator, a console recreation or a photograph editor. The collective noun software application refers to all functions mutually.  This contrasts with procedure application, which is on the whole involved with jogging the laptop.
Functions may be bundled with the PC and its approach software or published separately, and may be coded as proprietary, open-source or institution projects. 
In understanding technological know-how, an software is a computer program designed to support folks participate in an exercise. An utility accordingly differs from an working method (which runs a PC), a utility (which performs protection or normal-reason chores), and a programming device (with which computer packages are created) depending on the exercise for which it was once designed, an utility can manipulate text, numbers, photos, or a combination of these factors. Some software programs focus on a single task, akin to phrase processing; others, known as built-in application comprise a few functions. 
User-written software tailors techniques to satisfy the person's unique needs. User-written program involves spreadsheet templates, word processor macros, scientific simulations, snap shots and animation scripts. Even email filters are a form of user software. Users create this software themselves and most likely overlook how most important it is.
The delineation between approach software equivalent to operating systems and application software isn't designated, nevertheless, and is every now and then the thing of controversy. For illustration, some of the key questions in the us v. Microsoft antitrust trial was whether Microsoft's Internet Explorer Internet browser was part of its Windows operating approach or a separable piece of software software. As an additional instance, the GNU/Linux naming controversy is, partially, as a result of disagreement about the relationship between the Linux kernel and the working methods built over this kernel. In some forms of embedded techniques, the applying software and the working method program may be indistinguishable to the user, as within the case of application used to manipulate a VCR, DVD player or microwave oven. The above definitions may just exclude some purposes that may exist on some computer systems in gigantic businesses. For an substitute definition of an app: see application Portfolio management.
There are numerous distinctive methods to divide up unique varieties of software software, and a couple of are explained here.
When you consider that the progress and near-universal adoption of the online, an essential big difference that has emerged has been between Internet functions — written with HTML, JavaScript and different Internet-native applied sciences and most often requiring one to be on-line and jogging an online browser, and the more traditional native applications written in whatever languages are to be had for one's targeted type of laptop. There was contentious debate within the computing group involving net purposes replacing native purposes for many purposes, notably on cell devices corresponding to shrewd telephones and pills. Net apps have certainly largely increased in repute for some uses, however the benefits of purposes make them not likely to vanish soon, if ever. Moreover, the 2 will also be complementary, and even integrated. 
Application application will also be obvious as being either horizontal or vertical. Horizontal purposes are more fashionable and general, in view that they are common motive, for example word processors or databases. Vertical applications are area of interest products, designed for a certain style of enterprise or trade, or department within an organization. Integrated suites of program will try to control each specified aspect possible of, for instance, manufacturing or banking systems, or accounting, or consumer provider.
There are many forms of utility application:
An utility suite includes multiple functions bundled collectively. They mainly have associated functions, points and consumer interfaces, and is also competent to have interaction with each and every different, e.G. Open each different files.Business purposes more commonly are available in suites, e.G. Microsoft place of job, Libreville and work, which bundle together a phrase processor, a spreadsheet, and so forth.; but suites exist for different functions, e.G. Pictures or tune.
corporation software addresses the wishes of an complete group's tactics and knowledge flows, across a couple of 
Media progress application generates print and electronic media for others to devour, most normally in a commercial or educational atmosphere. This involves graphic-art application, desktop publishing program, multimedia development program, HTML editors, digital-animation editors, digital audio and video composition, and plenty of others.[10]
Product engineering program is used in constructing hardware and program products. This includes PC-aided design (CAD), PC-aided engineering (CAR), computer language modifying and compiling instruments,built-in progress environments, and software programmer interfaces.