Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Microsoft word is the most popular word processing software. It is major family member of Microsoft office group. It is developed by the Microsoft Corporation U.S.A. It enables typing, editing, formatting, designing, mail merging, creating tables and printing the documents in a attractive layout. In this program, if we type any text, these are displayed on the screen at first then stored temporarily in the computer but these are stored permanently when we save it.

*Starting the Microsoft Word 
   There are two ways to start Microsoft Word Program.
1. By the help of mouse. 
2. By the help of Keyboard. 
* How to run Microsoft word?
* How to open Ms Word?
* How to run win word?
-Click on the Start menu.
-Click on All programs or Programs.
-Click on Microsoft office or Microsoft word.
-Click on Microsoft word 2003.
-Click on Start menu.
-Click on Run option.
-It will appear a Run dialog box.

-Type 'winword' in the open criteria of a dialog box.
-Click on OK bottom.
-Press windows key/ Flag key.
-Press R to go run.
-It will appear a dialog box.
-Type 'winword' in the open criteria.
-Press Enter key.
* How to close Microsoft word?
-Click on File menu.
-Click on Exit option
-Press Alt + F4
-Press Alt + F
-Press X

Parts of the Ms Word Document windows.
a) Title bar: - The title bar is the first bar seen on the document window. The title bar contains the information about the current application in use and document name. On the extreme right of the title bar, you can see minimize, maximize and close button for current application.
b) Menu bar: - The menu bar contains the menu option. This is located below the title bar. The menu bar of Ms- word contains the options- File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window and Help. When you click any one of the menu option, you will be given detail option of the menu selected.
c) Standard tool bar :- The standard tool bar contains the option in picture form called icons such as new document , open existing file, save, print, print preview, speller, cut, copy, paste, paint brush, web tool bar, tables and barters, insert table, insert Microsoft Excel work sheet, columns, drawing, document map, show/hide codes, zoom and office assistant.
d) Format tool bar:- The format toolbar is just below the standard toolbar. This contains the tools that help on formatting the document. The format toolbar contains the tool such as font style, font name, font size, bold, italic, underline, left alignment of text, center alignment of text, right alignment of text, paragraph numbering, bullet for paragraph , decrease indent, increase indent, outside boarder, high lighter, font color.
e) Ruler:- The ruler is displayed just below the format toolbar. There are two rulers. Horizontal ruler and Vertical ruler. They represent the scale of the page.
f) Status bar:- Status bar is situated at the bottom of the document window. This gives information about the current document such as total number of pages, column section, current cursor position, line number at which the cursor is located and column position from the left.
g) Drawing tool bar:- Drawing toolbar is an optional toolbar that gives various facilities on drawing . The drawing toolbar contains the facilities such as Draw, Auto shapes, Line, Arrow, Box, Circle, Text box, Insert word art, fill color, font color, line style, Dash style, Arrow style, Shadow and 3-D.
h) Vertical scroll bar:- It is used to move the document up and down.
i) Horizontal scroll bar:- It is used to move document left and r

    Shortcut Keys

Ctr + B Bold face on/off
Ctr + U Underline on/off
Ctr + I Italic on/off
Ctr + L Left alignment
Ctr + E Centre alignment
Ctr + R Right alignment
Ctr + J Justify
Ctr + C Copy
Ctr + X Cut
Ctr + V Paste
Ctr + Z Undo
Ctr + Y Repeat
Ctr + A Select all
Ctr + W Close
Ctr + O Open
Ctr + S Save
Shift + Ctr + P Font size
Shift+ Ctr + N Font name
Shift + Ctr ++ Super script
Ctr + = Sub script
Shift + Ctr + > Enlarge font
Shift + Ctr + < Reduce font
Shift + Ctr + A All caps
Shift + Ctr + D Double underline
Ctr + Enter Page break
Shift + Ctr + Enter Column break
Alt + F4 Close window

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