Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Microsoft power point is an ideal program for making simple or supplicated slide show and professional looking electronic presentations. It is a family member of Microsoft group. It is developed by Microsoft Corporation of U.S.A. This presentation makes use of slides to communicate information visually. It also allows you to add charts, table, pictures, sound, movies etc. for making the presentation looking alive.
* How to run Ms Power point?
*How to open Microsoft Power point?
-Click on Start menu.
-Click on All programs or programs.
-Click on Microsoft office or Microsoft Power point.
-   Click on Microsoft Office Power point 2003.
-Click on Start menu.
-Click on Run option.
-It will appear a Run box.
-Type 'powerpnt' in the open criteria of run box.
-Click on Ok button or press Enter key.
-Press window flag key.
-Press R letter to go run.
-It will appear a Run box.

-Type 'powerpnt' in the open criteria of run box.
-Press Enter key.

* How to close Microsoft Power point?
-Click on file menu.
-Click on exit.
-Press Alt + F4
-Press Alt + F
-Press X.

Edit Menu (Alt+E)
*Duplicate slide:- This command is used to make duplicate  slide of the active slide.
-Select the slide which you want to make duplicate.
-Click on Edit menu.
-Click on Duplicate slide.
-Now you will see copy of that particular slide in the
      same slide.
*Delete slide:- This command is used to delete the selected slide.
-Select the slide which you want delete.
-Click on Edit menu.
-Click on Delete slide option.
-The entire slide will be deleted.

View Menu (Alt + V)
*Slide sorter:- This command is used to make group of slide or collection of slides which display at single window.
-Click on View menu.
-Click on Slide Sorter option.
*Slide show (F5):- This command is used show the presentation on slide form.
-Click on view menu.
-Click on Slide Show.
-This will show up in full screen.
* Notes Page:-This command is used to display the notes written in the presentation.
-Click on View menu.
-Click on Notes page.
-It will appear a dialog box.
-Type the notes and click on normal to come in the
      normal slide.
* Color / Grayscale:- This command is used to show the slide in color, grayscale and black & white.
-Click on View menu.
-Click on Color/ Grayscale option.
-Choose color, grayscale or pure black and white as
      your requirement.
*Grid and Guides:- This command is used to set the snap-to-grid options that you can use to easily align drawing object.
-Click on View menu.
-Click on Grid and Guide option.
-It will appear a dialog box.
-Set the Grid and Guides from the given dialog box.
-Click on Ok button.

Insert Menu (Alt+I)
* New slide (Ctrl+M) :- This command is used to create a new slide in the active presentation.
-Click on Insert menu.
-Click on New slide option.

* Duplicate slide:- This command is used to make a copy of the same slide.
-Select the slide which you want to make duplicate.
-Click on Insert menu.
-Click on Duplicate Slide.
-This will insert another slide.
* Slide Number:- This command is used to insert the slide number to an individual slide. If you want to add the slide number to every slide, use the Header and Footer command.
-Click on Insert menu.
-Click on Slide Number option.
-It will appear a dialog box.
-Tick the slide number.
-Click on Apply to All button.

*Slides from File:- This command is used to insert slides from another presentation into the current presentation.
-Click on Insert menu.
-Click on Slide from file option.
-It will appear a slide Finder dialog box.
-Click on Browse Tab.
-Choose the file name from the file name criteria.
-Click on Open button.
-Click on Insert All button.
-Click on close button.

* Date and time:- This command is used to insert date and time in the presentation.
-Click on Insert menu.
Click on Date and Time option.
-It will appear a dialog box.
-Select the date and time.
-Click on Apply or Apply to All button.
* Movies and sound:- This command is used to open the clip gallery, where you can insert a video and sound in your slide to play during a slide show.
-Click on Insert menu.
Click on Movies and Sounds option.
-Choose the movies or sounds.
-Click on ok bottom.

Format Menu (Alt +O)
* Slide Design:- This command is used to display the slide design task pane, where you can select design templates, color schemes and animation schemes to add in our active slide or all slides.
-First active your slide.
-Click on Format menu.
-Click on Slide Design option.
-It will appear a task pane at the right side
      of the  active document.
-Apply a design template from the  given Slide
      Design task pane.
* Slide layout:- This command is used to change the layout of the selected slide.
-Click on Format menu.
-Click on Slide layout option.
-It will appear a task pane at the right side
      of the  active document.
-Apply a slide layout from the Slide
      Layout dialog box.
* Background:- This command is used to set a background color, texture, pattern or image in the selected slide.
-Click on Format menu.
-Click on Background option.
-It will appear a dialog box.
-Choose the background style and click
      on ok button.

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